
Find Last Reboot Time in Windows 7, Vista and Windows 2008

Find Last Reboot Time in Windows 7, Vista and Windows 2008

Uses WMI command line (WMIC):
wmic OS Get LastBootUpTime

Use command line
systeminfo | find "Up Time"


As a system administrator, from time to time you may facing a problem suchas "How do I prevent users from performing accidental drag and drop operations?"

This issue is mainly due to that some users accidentally move files around when they didn't mean to. They might be clicking on a file, but accidentally drag the mouse while clicking, resulting in the file being dropped into a folder by mistake.
Some may suggest to educate the user to be always careful when drag and drop, but this is actually rarely helpful because sometimes users may not even know they have moved a folder to another folder.
A good approch is to this is to increase the mouse drag sensitivity to require uses to drag the mouse a "definitely not accidental" distance before the system considers a drag operation to be in progress. Depending on your users, you might crank this up to 10, 30, or even 60 pixels.
This can be achived by two methods:
1.Modify System­Parameters­Info, (SPI_SETDRAGWIDTH) and (SPI_SETDRAGHEIGHT). This may need to create a program to implement, ie, a c# program.
This is recommended method.

2.Modify registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\DragHeight
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\DragWidth

You can write a script to achive this, or make a reg file and let logon script to load it form every user.
Note that, this method is not recommended.
How do I prevent users from dragging and dropping files in Explorer?

NTFS stop folders being moved
Preventing Accidental "Drag and Drop" in Windows Explorer