
"Set Network Location" dialog issue in vista

by Steven Bink



In vista, the system presents the "Set Network Location" dialog requesting to categorize the newly connected network as one of the following:
• Private
• Work
• Public
"Public" is the only option that can be chosen without using administrative rights on the system.

When an admin does not want this dialog to pop when one of his mobile computers is connected to non-trusted network, there is no option in Group Policy to stop the dialog from occurring.

Solutions 1:

The user has the option to disable the dialog from the UI:
• Right Click the network icon in the system tray
• Click Turn off/on notification of new networks

Solutions 2:

This is not the ideal option for the average admin. So this can be arranged from the registry:
On a per user basis
Set the value "Show" (REG_DWORD) to 0 in
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network\NwCategoryWizard

At the system level
Create a new Registry key (without any value) NewNetworkWindowOff in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\NewNetworkWindowOff

reference reading:
Clean Up the Vista Networks

Network Location Types in Windows Vistaby The Cable Guy

New Networking Features in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista

Network Location Settings in Windows Vista



MDT 2008 settings detail










Deploying Vista -Mitch Tulloch series

Deploying Vista
Mitch Tulloch
Part 1-31

Deploying Vista - Part 1: Understanding the Windows AIK
Deploying Vista - Part 2: Understanding Windows Setup and the Windows Imaging File Format
Deploying Vista - Part 3: Understanding Configuration Passes
Deploying Vista - Part 4: Understanding Deployment Scenarios
Deploying Vista - Part 5: Using Sysprep
Deploying Vista - Part 6: Using Windows SIM
Deploying Vista - Part 7: Creating a Minimal Answer File
Deploying Vista - Part 8: Unattended Install from DVD Method
Deploying Vista - Part 9: Automating the Machine OOBE
Deploying Vista - Part 10: Understanding the Windows Preinstallation Environment
Deploying Vista - Part 11: Working with Windows PE
Deploying Vista - Part 12: Understanding Image-Based Deployment
Deploying Vista - Part 13: Performing Image-Based Deployment
Deploying Vista - Part 14: Understanding Windows Deployment Services
Deploying Vista - Part 15: Implementing Windows Deployment Services
Deploying Vista - Part 16: Configuring Windows Deployment Services
Deploying Vista - Part 17: Working With the Windows DS Image Store
Deploying Vista - Part 18: Managing Windows Deployment Services
Deploying Vista - Part 19: Managing Windows Deployment Services (Continued)
Deploying Vista - Part 20: Working With Discover Images
Deploying Vista - Part 21: Working With Capture Images
Deploying Vista - Part 22: Deploying Images using Windows Deployment Services
Deploying Vista - Part 23: Unattended Image Deployment Using Windows Deployment Services
Deploying Vista - Part 24: Understanding Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
Deploying Vista - Part 25: Preparing Microsoft Deployment Toolkit for Deploying Vista
Deploying Vista - Part 26: Deploying Vista Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
Deploying Vista - Part 27: Automating a Light Touch Installation
Deploying Vista - Part 28: Configuring Distribution Shares
Deploying Vista - Part 29: Configuring Distribution Shares (Continued)
Deploying Vista - Part 30: Configuring Deployment Points
Deploying Vista - Part 31: Configuring Task Sequences

70-635 MCTS Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008, Desktop Deployment

70-635 MCTS Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008, Desktop Deployment

Deploy Visual Studio 2008 via AD and GPO

Enterprise Deployment for Visual Studio 2008 using Active Directory http://blogs.msdn.com/joy/archive/2008/12/10/the-following-script-can-be-used-for-visual-studio-2008-deployment.aspx

Deploy Visual Studio 2008 Professional 9.x package

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008Administrator Deployment Readme

MS forum support for VS2008:


VS2008 sp1 readme


VS 2008 Service Pack 1 - Docs and Installation


VS2008 SP1 Beta fails to add "new item - ADO.NET Entity Data Model" Item Template



How can I change the font in a chm file

Answer 1
You can decompile, modify, and recompile HTML Help (.chm) files with
Microsoft's HTML Help Workshop, which is available from here:

The decompilation process does not usually give you the project (.hhp)
file, which is needed in order to recompile the help file. Of the
available decompilers, the only one that is capable of regenerating the
..hhp file is KeyTools, available from here:


But... one important thing to note is that the decompile/recompile
process isn't a "round-trip" process. Certain features that the help
author added to the original help file can't be recovered when you
decompile it, so these may no longer work after you've recompiled. This
is especially true in the area of context-sensitive (F1) help, which
may be broken in the recompiled version of the file.

HTML Help files are inextricably bound up with IE because they use IE
as their "layout engine"; in effect, the topic pane of the help viewer
is an embedded IE window. However, if you modify the cascading style
sheets (.css) to which the help topics are linked so that they use
absolute rather than relative values, changes to the IE font settings
won't affect the display of help content. For example, you might
specify the style properties for

elements like this:

p { font-size: 10pt; }

rather than like this:

p { font-size: 90%; } or p { font-size: medium; }

When you decompile a HTML Help file, you'll usually find one or more
..css files among the output.

For what it's worth, I think that the amount of time and effort
required to modify more than a couple of help files greatly outweighs
any benefit you might derive from doing so. In other words, it's
something that you might try once and then give up on...

Answer 2
The chm font is changeable. It all depends on how the fonts are specified in the stylesheet of
the chm file. If you use fixed sizes in pix or mm (and you shouldn't), then
yes, the size can't be changed by the user. But if you specify it as
''size:small;" and everything else as relative, then it's changeable. Just
like any website.

Also, when you create your chm file, the chm compiler has a setting to add a
font size button on the menu. See for instance this file I created long ago:

Add font button to chm file:
Method 1
Just to add that, although Microsoft's HTML Help documentation and Help Workshop tool don't make any mention of it, it is possible to add a Font button to the toolbar of the HTML Help viewer. However, the technique requires you to edit the window settings in your HTML Help project (.hhp) file in a text editor, so I don't suppose that it will fit in very well with your H&M workflow.

See this article for details:


Method 2
Alternatively, you can open the .hhp file in FAR and add the button there.

Reference reading:



Allow users to log on to domain controller remotely

A windows 2003 server has recently been upgraded to domain controller.User used to be able to RDC to it now failed with error:
"To log on to this remote computer,you must be granted the allow log on trhough terminal services right.By default, members of the remote desktop users group have this right. If you are not a member of the remote desktop users group that has this right, or if the remote desktop users group does not have this right, you must be granted this right manually."

To troubleshoot this issue:
1. make sure Remote desktop is enabled on the server
2. make sure Remoet desktop users group has right to log on through terminal services.start > run > gpedit.msc > computer config > windows settings > local policies > user rights assign > allow log on through terminal services > make sure Remote Desktop users group is listed .
3. Make sure you have configured permissions for the remote desktop user group in the terminal services configuration (right click RDP-tcp, properties > permissions > add user access to the group)

The reason that caused this issue is quite simple:
By default, only Administrators are allowed log on to the DC. If you wish to allow other users to log on to this DC with TS, you will need to change the security settings in GP after AD has been installed.
When you promote A Windows 2003 server to Domain Controller, you may receive this message: “Terminal Services is installed in this computer. Installing AD on this PC will change security policy on this PC so that only Administrators will be able to log on to the PC... If you wish to allow other users to log on to this PC with TS, you will need to changethe security settings in GP after AD has been installed”

For this kind of issue, basicall you want to try one or more of the following settings:
1. Assign the user to The Allow log on through Terminal Services right using local policy (gpedit.msc).
2. Assign permission to use TS Configuration. Go to that, select the properties of RDP-Tcp.
3. The Allow logon to terminal server check box under user properties.
4. Assign the user to Access this computer from network.
5. Assign the user to Allow log on locally.

Reference reading:http://www.chicagotech.net/RemoteAccess/ts15.htm


Access Denied error when trying to open a folder in Vista

Many folders used by earlier versions of Windows have been moved to a new location or given a new name in Windows Vista. However, the old folders can still be seen if you have enabled Show Hidden Files, and they look like this: Notice they are displayed with a transparent icon and a shortcut symbol.
Although these look like folders, they are actually what is known as a junction. Junctions behave like shortcuts, but look just like regular folders.
Their purpose is to silently redirect programs that access them to their Windows Vista equivalent.
Since junctions aren't really folders, it is not possible to access them, and any attempt to do so will give you an "Access Denied" error.
Here is a list of all of the folders that have been moved in Windows Vista, along with their new location:


The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation

When running a SQL application you got error:
The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation. System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The requested operation cannot be completed. The computer must be trusted for delegation and the current user account must be configured to allow delegation.

In the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, enable the SQL Server service account to be trusted for delegation.

Reference reading:
How do I configure accounts so that they are trusted for delegation in a Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition environment?


Some Nokia E65 resources

Nokia E65 manual:

How to check Nokia E65 firmware:
type: *#0000#
It will show the firmware information:

How to reset E65 to factory setting

type *#7370#
You will be prompted: Reset all original phone settings?
press "Yes"
then it will ask for lock code, type: 12345
this will reset to factory settings.

How to fix cannot open gallery Problem?
my nokia e65 phone got very slow it takes couple of min to open the gallery files and other files too, in top of the phone there is one icon is always present like arrow, wen we send mssg it appears,n it indicate us, same like that, i formated my cell using *#7370#but is still slow

check if your memory card that u have inserted is of how many GB, if more than 1GB reduce it to 1GB, sometiimes phones cannot take up so much high memory.

Tools and Utilities for ConfigMgr 2007


SCCM Client Center


Exchange/outlook message: Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.

1. MS KB,the Remote Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Service Rejected AUTH Negotiation

2. Ensure Exchange SMTP virtual server is configured properly
Open your Exchange System Manager Console
Go to Administrative Group ==> Domain ==> Servers ==> Server ==> Protocol ==> SMTP
Right click on "Default SMTP Virtual Server"
STOP service
wait for couple of seconds
START service

3.Ensure local DNS is configured properly
It can be that the exchange server could not find any DNS servers.
Please edit the SMTP protocol in delivery - advanced - configure external DNS servers with your dns server of the ISP.
If after this all the messages should get out, then the problem is with your local dns server.

3.Test target mail server
Usually, this indicates a problem on their end. Perhaps the mailbox is full or their mail server is down. However, if you are able to send mail to those addresses from other accounts (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.), but not your Exchange server account, then there could be other issues.
I am assuming that your mail server is Microsoft Exchange.

Common causes include:
- The recipient's mailbox is full. Usually, though, you would get a different error message.
- The address is invalid.
- Your mail server is on a blacklist. This can happen if you have an open relay, or if you are using dial-up (many sites block mail coming directly from known dial-up IP addresses). There are other ways to be added to public blacklists.
- Their mail server is on a blacklist. Exchange does not include the feature to check against blacklists, but there are third-party add-ons which can do this, such as antivirus and antispam software.
- A firewall is blocking access to their mail server. This could be your firewall or theirs.
- There are other routing problems between your server and their server.
Try the following.
- Open a command prompt.
- Type "NSLOOKUP" and press enter.
- Type "SET TYPE=MX" and press enter.
- Type in the domain name of the address that is giving you problems. For instance, if you are trying to send to BillGates@microsoft.com, you would type "microsoft.com" and press enter.
- A list should appear. This is a list of the mail servers (DNS MX records) that are assigned to that computer.
- Look for the server name with the lowest preference number. If they are all the same preference, just use one. In our example, it is maila.microsoft.com.
- Type "exit" and press enter to quit NSLOOKUP.
- Try to ping the address.
- If successful, try to connect to the mail server manually:
- Type "telnet maila.microsoft.com 25" and press enter, substituting the appropriate server name.
- You should see a server banner message (see example).
- Type "HELO" and press enter (you might not see what you type. This is normal).
- Type "mail from:" substituting your address and press enter.
- Type "rcpt to:" substituting their address
- Type "data" and press enter.
- Type "Subject: Test message" and press enter TWICE.
- Type a short message. When you are done, press enter, type a period, and press enter again to end the message.
- Type "quit" and press enter to exit.
NOTE: If everything works, then the message will be sent to the address.Keep an eye out for any error messages during this process.Your session should look like the following:

Default Server: somednsserver.whatever.zzz
Address:> set type=mx
>Server: somednsserver.whatever.zzz
Address: MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = maila.microsoft.com
microsoft.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mailb.microsoft.com
microsoft.com MX preference = 10, mail exchanger = mailc.microsoft.com
maila.microsoft.com internet address =
maila.microsoft.com internet address =
mailb.microsoft.com internet address =
mailb.microsoft.com internet address =
mailc.microsoft.com internet address =
mailc.microsoft.com internet address =


C:\>ping maila.microsoft.com
Pinging maila.microsoft.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=91ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=88ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=87ms TTL=50
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 87ms, Maximum = 91ms, Average = 88ms
C:\>telnet maila.microsoft.com 25
220 inet-imc-01.redmond.corp.microsoft.com Microsoft.com ESMTP Server Tue, 18 May 2004 14:57:17 -0700helo
250 nasmail02.psi.premier-system.com Hello []
mail from:testing@bogus.zzz
250 2.1.0 testing@bogus.zzz....Sender OK
rcpt to:billgates@microsoft.com
250 2.1.5 billgates@microsoft.com
354 Start mail input; end with .
Subject: Test messageThis is a test.250 2.6.0 Queued
mail for delivery
221 2.0.0 maila.microsoft.com Service closing transmission channel
Connection to host lost.


mx record check tool

mx record check tools

This test will list MX records for a domain in priority order. The MX lookup is done directly against the domain's authoritative name server, so changes to MX Records should show up instantly. You can click Diagnostics, which will connect to the mail server, verify reverse DNS records, perform a simple Open Relay check and measure response time performance. You may also check each MX record (IP Address) against 147 DNS based blacklists. (Commonly called RBLs, DNSBLs)


tools to simulate slow network bandwidth

try Traffic Shaper XP you can easily limit speed of IE or other browser with this App and its also freeware
Traffic Shaper XPhttp://bandwidthcontroller.com/trafficShaperXp.html
If you do not mind configuring a Linux box I have found NIST Net (http://snad.ncsl.nist.gov/itg/nistnet/) to be a great free solution to my network emulation requirements.
My work uses this tool, and it seems quite good: http://www.dallaway.com/sloppy/
Best of luck.
TMnetSim Network Simulator version 2.4 32-bit (600KB)PC Platform software to simulate a bad WAN on a PC. Newer version than in ToolCrib, also does Packet Capture.http://www.tmurgent.com/download/TMnetsim32_02040000.zip
http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/Net:NetemOn Linux, see netem: the kernel already contains support for traffic shaping, and can simulate high latency, low bandwidth, packet losses, and all sort of other adverse conditions, even on a loopback device (so you don't need a real, physical network to test across).


the OSI model wiki

The OSI Model

7. Application Layer
NNTP · SIP · SSI · DNS · FTP · Gopher ·
SNMP · Telnet (more)

6. Presentation Layer

5. Session Layer
Named Pipes · NetBIOS · SAP

4. Transport Layer

3. Network Layer
IP · ICMP · IPsec · IGMP

2. Data Link Layer
ARP · CSLIP · SLIP · Frame Relay
· ITU-T G.hn DLL

1. Physical Layer
RS-232 · V.35 · V.34 · I.430 · I.431 ·
T1 · E1 · 802.3 Ethernet
· 10BASE-T · 100BASE-TX
· 802.11a/b/g/n PHY · ITU-T G.hn PHY

iPhone battery tips

Charging Tips
iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS cannot be charged with a FireWire power adapter or FireWire-based car charger. Make sure your computer is on while charging iPhone via USB. If iPhone is connected to a computer that’s turned off or is in sleep or standby mode, the iPhone battery may drain.
Maximum Battery Life
iPhone 3GS offers up to 5 hours of talk time on 3G, 12 hours of talk time on 2G, 5 hours of Internet use on 3G, 9 hours of Internet use on Wi-Fi, 10 hours of video playback, or 30 hours of audio playback on a full charge at original capacity. In addition, iPhone features up to 300 hours of standby time.
Charge Cycles
A properly maintained iPhone battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 400 full charge and discharge cycles. You may choose to replace your battery when it no longer holds sufficient charge to meet your needs.
Let It Breathe
Charging your iPhone while in certain carrying cases may generate excess heat, which can affect battery capacity. If you notice that your iPhone gets hot when you charge it, take it out of its case first.
Optimize Your Settings
Depending on how they are configured, a few features may decrease your iPhone battery life. For example, the frequency with which you retrieve email and the number of email accounts you auto-check can both affect battery life. The tips below apply to an iPhone running iPhone 3.0 or later software and may help extend your battery life.
§ Minimize use of location services: Applications that actively use location services such as Maps may reduce battery life. To disable location services, go to Settings > General > Location Services or use location services only when needed.
§ Turn off push notifications: Some applications from the App Store use the Apple Push Notification Service to alert you of new data. Those applications that extensively rely on push notifications (such as instant messaging applications) may impact battery life. To disable push notifications, go to Settings > Notifications and set Notifications to Off. Note that this does not prevent new data from being received when the application is opened. Also, the Notifications setting will not be visible if you do not have any applications installed that support push notifications.
§ Fetch new data less frequently: Applications such as Mail can be set to fetch data wirelessly at specific intervals. The more frequently email or other data is fetched, the quicker your battery may drain. To fetch new data manually, from the Home screen choose Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and tap Manually. To increase the fetch interval, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and tap Hourly. Note that this is a global setting and applies to all applications that do not support push services.
§ Turn off push mail: If you have a push mail account such as Yahoo!, MobileMe or Microsoft Exchange, turn off push when you don’t need it. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data and set Push to Off. Messages sent to your push email accounts will now be received on your phone based on the global Fetch setting rather than as they arrive. If the global Fetch setting is set to Manually, you will not be able to locate your iPhone using the MobileMe Find My iPhone feature.
§ Auto-check fewer email accounts: You can save power by checking fewer email accounts. This can be accomplished by turning off an email account or by deleting it. To turn off an account, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, choose an email account, and set Account to Off. To remove an account, go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars, choose an email account, and tap Delete Account.
§ Minimize use of third-party applications: Excessive use of applications such as games that prevent the screen from dimming or shutting off or applications that use location services can reduce battery life.
§ Turn off Wi-Fi: If you rarely use Wi-Fi, you can turn it off to save power. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and set Wi-Fi to Off. Note that if you frequently use your iPhone to browse the web, battery life may be improved by using Wi-Fi instead of cellular data networks.
§ Turn off Bluetooth: If you rarely use a Bluetooth headset or car kit, you can turn off Bluetooth to save power. Go to Settings > General > Bluetooth and set Bluetooth to Off.
§ Use Airplane Mode in low- or no-coverage areas: Because your iPhone always tries to maintain a connection with the cellular network, it may use more power in low- or no-coverage areas. Turning on Airplane Mode can increase battery life in these situations; however, you will be unable to make or receive calls. To turn on Airplane Mode, go to Settings and set Airplane Mode to On.
§ Adjust brightness: Dimming the screen is another way to extend battery life. Go to Settings > Brightness and drag the slider to the left to lower the default screen brightness. In addition, turning on Auto-Brightness allows the screen to adjust its brightness based on current lighting conditions. Go to Settings > Brightness and set Auto-Brightness to On.
§ Turn off EQ: Applying an equalizer setting to song playback on your iPhone can decrease battery life. To turn EQ off, go to Settings > iPod > EQ and tap Off. Note that if you’ve added EQ to songs directly in iTunes, you’ll need to set EQ on iPhone to Flat in order to have the same effect as Off because iPhone keeps your iTunes settings intact. Go to Settings > iPod > EQ and tap Flat.
§ Turn off 3G: Using 3G cellular networks loads data faster, but may also decrease battery life, especially in areas with limited 3G coverage. To disable 3G, from the Home screen choose Settings > General > Network and set Enable 3G to Off. You will still be able to make and receive calls and access cellular data networks via EDGE or GPRS where available.
Lock Your iPhone
It may seem obvious, but you should lock your iPhone when you aren’t using it. You will be able to receive calls and text messages while it is locked, but nothing happens if you touch the screen. To lock iPhone, press the Sleep/Wake button. You can also set the Auto-Lock interval so your iPhone will turn off more quickly after a period of inactivity. To set Auto-Lock, go to Settings > General > Auto-Lock and set the interval to a short time, such as 1 minute.
Use iPhone Regularly
For proper maintenance of a lithium-based battery, it’s important to keep the electrons in it moving occasionally. Be sure to go through at least one charge cycle per month (charging the battery to 100% and then completely running it down).


Synchronize your iPhone contacts with Google contacts

Synchronize your contacts with Google contacts on your iPhone 3G

Basically you have two major tasks to get this done:

Task 1. Upload contacts to Google contacts from iPhone
Google Sync uses the Microsoft® Exchange ActiveSync® protocol.
When setting up a new Exchange ActiveSync account on your iPhone, all existing Contacts and Calendar events will be removed from your phone.
Please make sure to back up any important data before you set up Google Sync.

It is suggested to upload your existing iPhone contacts to Google first.

Check this for step by step guide.

Task 2. Setup Google sync on your iPhone

Tethering iphone

Poedgirl has made some carrier files that you can import into your iPhone and enable tethering and MMS without paying their exorbitant fees.


1. To install them on your iPhone, open up Mobile Safari and navigate to the URL that corresponds with your carrier:





2.Restart iPhone
3. Got iPhone's settings->general->network->internet tethering-> enable it

More reading:

