
Error: this computer has not reported yet, wsus

Error: this computer has not reported yet, wsus

Just set WSUS up in a test enviroment and im getting an error regarding my
client machine "Not Reported Status Yet" in the computers section. The
computer is added to a test group and this is a Fresh Windows XP SP" client,
2003 Server SP1.
My server is fine it's just the client where im having the problem.

Answer 1:
"Not Yet Reported" is a normal indication between the time a client first
registered (and probably is selfupdating), and completes a detection cycle,
including a reporting event. This delay is normally about 20-30 minutes,
though, so if it has been more than an hour since the client "Last
Contacted" the WSUS server, you may have a malfunction on the client side.

Start by running the Client Diagnostic Tool and posting the results. If the
output of the CDT looks normal (post the results anyway), then continue by
inspecting the %windir%\WindowsUpdate.log for error diagnostics.

Answer 2:
I don't know if it'll relate to your specific situation but I had an issue
last week where two pc's were imaged with the same Windows seat id from
Dell... WSUS will only recognize the most current machine put on the

What actually happens it that WSUS recognizese the most recent machine that
/reports/ to the WSUS server if those machines have been built from
improperly prepared images.

If you're able to monitor the server closely, and frequently enough, you'll
actually see the machine name bounce between the two identical clients, as
each one executes a detection/reporting event.

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